

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Statement of Intent
My film will be shot in four main locations: the street, a house, a school and a park. Other than coming of age this film also addresses 2 more themes: drama and arrogance. In my trailer I'm going to use slow, light hearted yet slightly intense to relate to the relationship between Charlotte and Ashley.

This film is about a girl called ashley who starts to bully a new girl called charlotte to stay at the top of the school hierarchy. It follows a 3 act structure. In act one we meet Ashley as a popular girl, we do not yet see her bullying or any negativity in her life. Then in act two, Charlotte is introduced as a new girl and we see Ashley starting to bully and be quite spiteful which also leads to Charlotte leaving the school and no one knows where she has gone. In act three, Ashley then realises her wrongs and starts being a nicer person. Unlike most typical mean girl coming of age films this shows the nice girl throughout the film regardless of the bullying and the audience also get to meet the real Ashley.

It targets young people as it is about the high school hierarchy which represents everyone in school and shows perspectives from different type of people which would relate to all different young people. The story line also sees the mean girl as a victim to society instead of seeing her as a bullying villain which attracts the audience as the do not actually know what is going to happen.

The trailer will use non diegetic sound voice over as ashley thinks aloud. There will also be non diegetic background music throughout the trailer that'll match the cuts.

The cuts in the trailer will vary as some will be quite long to give the audience understanding and also short to entice the audience to watch the movie as they want to know more.

As this story is only based on one person, there will be quite a few mid shots and close ups. The mid shots will often show the main characters at the centre to show that she is the centre of attention.

Natural lighting will be used to show the realism of school life. It will be set in quite basic teen life settings as shown above for my locations.


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